How It Was Achieved What the Egg Olympics video had going for it, to begin with, was two clear advantages: the momentum from the Instagram egg and MrBeast's huge 20 million strong subscriber baseġ6. As of June 2019, this video has amassed more than 9.3 million likes, making it the most liked non-music video on YouTube. This served as a replacement for their five-star rating system YouTube's designers found the previous system. YouTube implemented a like and dislike button on these pages in March 2010, part of a major redesign of the site. The like count is taken directly from the page of the video itself. Water Balloon - The Slow Mo Guy This list of most-liked YouTube videos contains the top 30 videos with the most likes of all time.

And honestly, I did not expect to see some of these videos. So I thought why not make a list of most viewed non-music videos and see what we get. Usually, the top 10 most viewed videos on YouTube are music videos with billions of views each. Top 10 Most Liked Non-Music YouTube Videos!Videos:10.YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017 Top 10 Most Liked Non-Music YouTube Videos!Videos:10.YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017. Home Most liked YouTube non Music Video in World